Auteur/autrice : Administrateur

Art and archaeology are the new frontiers for AI

Algorithms are increasingly reliable for identifying the content of images, but so far have not been able to evaluate their aesthetic or emotional value. A new horizon that artificial intelligence...

Stockage de données : la révolution sur ADN

Deux déclarations révolutionnaires fondatrices stockées et encapsulées dans de l’ADN ont fait leur entrée aux Archives nationales le 23 novembre. Derrière ce projet, la technologie DNA Drive, [...]

How are oceans born?

The oceans have not always looked the same as they do today. Their shape and size keep changing over the course of geological time. There are even places on Earth...

Fascinantes images de science

La nouvelle édition du concours La preuve par l’image, organisé par le CNRS avec l’Acfas, son partenaire québécois, livre ses lauréats. Découvrez ces vingt photos et images fascinantes, issues de...

The mechanics of sea ice

Major climate models are based on a series of more specific overlapping models that are in constant interaction with one another. However, those describing the behaviour of sea ice have...