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Art and archaeology are the new frontiers for AI

Algorithms are increasingly reliable for identifying the content of images, but so far have not been able to evaluate their aesthetic or emotional value. A new horizon that artificial [...]

Technik und Medizin miteinander vereinen

Medizin? Oder lieber etwas Technisches? Vor dieser Frage stehen manche junge Menschen, die sich für ein Studium interessieren. Warum also nicht beides zusammen studieren? Denn Biomedical [...]

Covid-19: What have we learned from the pandemic?

From the Neolithic period to modern times, from cattle plague to SARS-CoV-2, the emergence of new infectious diseases has often been the result of changes that mankind has inflicted on the [...]

Stockage de données : la révolution sur ADN

Deux déclarations révolutionnaires fondatrices stockées et encapsulées dans de l’ADN ont fait leur entrée aux Archives nationales le 23 novembre. Derrière ce projet, la technologie DNA Drive, [...]